Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pwned by teh n00b, and n00bed by the pope

The source of to day's rant is a topic that I'm sure is close to everyone's heart.


specificity when you are on the receiving end of this phenomenon.

For those of you who have no idea why I am posting collections of letters that aren't even real words.

Pwnage, pronounced own-age (the p is silent and the o is invisible), can rightly be equated with concepts of being beaten, bested and generally surpassed in contests of skill, there is also an element of personal honor involved in this. For example one would say; that guy had the l33t skillz and pwned me. Translation: he was more skilled than me and bested my attempts, bruising my honor (if you have to ask what l33tness is you'll never know).

The reason I'm writing this is I've been playing on of those free browser games where you build up stuff by clicking on links and the like. This one is based around building up villages in a medieval theme, rather enjoyable.

Now the point of this is that you are plonked in the middle of a massively multiplayer environment, meaning your surrounded by dozens of people who have being playing for months longer than you, have a 500 times the size of yours and a Viking complex.

What has resulted is wanton pillaging of my lands and crops (fair enough to them I'd probably do the same if I could), but its when I get the same person attacking me 15-20 times in the 2 days I don't log in, which again is fair enough. But its the fact that his screen name is n00b, that really adds insult to defeat.
Bah I'm probably just whining about my own n00bness.

Kickass website:
which allows you to do such sacrilicious things as:

I know I'm probably being mean, but the pope scares me.

Even though the poor guy has a tough act to follow, yes I know John Paul was a far right reactionary, who's favourite pastime seemed to be putting up a wall full of posit notes, each with a item of popular culture and current events on it, then throwing a dart at it blind folded, in order to decide what to label as Satan’s latest attempt to destroy the world. But we could always forgive him for it.
He represented a more innocent time, when we all had nothing to fear from the Catholics. Or in fact from any religion, it may well be that it is hard to trust the public face of one religion when allot of them are going through a spell of particularly bad press.

It’s probably all the fault of the damn media.

That, and we all secretly want is the pope to be, Battle Pope!

Wow a particularly long rant this time.

Bordness'ometer 5/10

What am I listening to now: Iron Maiden: The Sign of the Cross. (Ironic, no?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make more sacriligious images and signs on ;)

8:38 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow- I fully take back what I said when I was leaving your house and I said what you have written was crap. You can be quite eloquent you know. probably it was just the content that bored me before- but keep listening to Iron Maiden- I dont have that song. :) and yes- us catholics are quite scary. muahaha- like me. *lashes whip*

12:18 pm  

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