Saturday, October 21, 2006

The end of the world as we know it, and I feal fine

Today was the first day of study break, yay!
So of course rather than doing anything stupid like actually studying, me and my little brother went to the Armageddon expo instead, and good times were had. And I meet some really cool people.

The first was the writer of one of my favourite web comics, who turns out to be a New Zealander ( An awesome comic simply because one of it's main characters is called Super Demolition Christ! And I think I may have made his day, because apparently I was the first (read only) person of the day to know his work. So I got a signed comic out of. Which I ended up promising wouldn't be on E-Bay for a whole week. I got it for $3 so I’m hoping for at least a 200% profit minus shipping and handling.

The other person I was stoked to have met was, if you remember the New Zealand idol ad with the guy wearing big bat wings who auditioned singing death metal. YES! I met the Heavy metal Harry Potter!

The moral of the story!
To have fun at conventions you don't have to line up for hours and pay outrageous quantities of money for autographs from semi washed up 'celebrities' (If the guy who pushes the buttons on Stargate can be counted as a celebrity).
What I'm listening to now: Pink Floyd, Dogs

Soberometer: 9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10
(After being asked about the soberometer I have decided to explain it, the higher the number the more sober I am. (The exception being the first post where I had yet to calibrate it properly thus it has been retroactively changed)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm- is retroactive really a word? I'm glad you had a good time babe...(reason why I didnt go= relatively clear, I'm sure) and did you go to Borders during any time of the day btw? Because Vanessa and I thought that we saw you from the cafe...or maybe it wasnt you as the long haired blone man was wearing a different back pack. Meh...I dunno.
Study hard now :)

12:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey- I've just done a little link around thing that links your blog (and many others) to mine! so now people who read my blog might be inclined to instantly read yours too! :) so WRITE MORE! or I'll have to PUNISH you very severely....if you know what i mean.

9:51 am  

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