Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It begins! again!

Ah so I do have a blog.

I set this thing up last year in a fit of boredom and forgot about it just as quickly. So now I've found it will I not touch it for another 9-10 months? Probably... But meh! That is in the hands of the gods.

So let’s see, what has happened since I started this thing? TO SUMMERISE:

  1. Well the biggest thing I'm not in England any more. I'm back home with the family type goodness, YAY! That’s a fun story you all can have later
  2. I'm no longer employed, no it is beyond even my scamming powers to keep a job while no longer in the same hemisphere/time zone/continent, shame I am starting to really need an income but that’s a whole different rant...
  3. I am now a damn dirty tax dodger... I mean student... yeah... that’s what I mean... more about that at some other time.
  4. My geek score has sky rocketed! (A MALL WITHOUT ZOMBIES IS LIKE A PLANE WITHOUT SNAKES!)

    That’s all I can think of for the time being I'll rant and rave about those things at some later date.

But at least I'm not referring to my self in the third person any more...

Soberommeter 10/10

Boredometer 7/10

What Song am I listening to right now: Lazy By Deep Purple

good night all you boys and girls in internet land