Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas! Now put that light out! Theres a war on!

Wow it has been a while since I posted a rant on here hasn't it.
Oh well I guess I'll have to make up for the inactivity with this one.

As we all know its Christmas. YAY! And as it is Christmas eve today I've been doing not particularly much, you see have a reason today as opposed to every other day when I don't do anything because I'm just a lazy git, so I've just been enjoying my first present of the season an absolutely brilliant DVD, gifted to my by Imogen my darling girlfriend, of Bill Baley performing live somewhere in England a couple of years ago. It is an absolutely great set he talks about all the good stuff: religion, terrorism, drugs and how if you melt together four of those new big kit-kats you can pretend it is a giant old style kit-kat and that you are a tiny pixy. And I suppose that is what has inspired me to write this rant.

Well that and the anti-piracy add at the end of the DVD.

Because as we all know video and music piracy is BAD.
But the true extent of its evil never truly hit me until I saw how they presented it.
they started off slow; "piracy costs jobs" yeah I can see how that works people not paying for stuff can make it hard to pay wages, but apparently this "will destroy the music and publishing industry", this is where I started to take notice; 'that’s a bit negative I thought' but it didn't stop there it got worse: "piracy finances organised crime, which will destroy the film and television industry" yes I can picture it now an elite cabal of crime king pin's sitting around a dimly lit round table plotting the complete destruction of all film and television industries, no doubt as revenge for their negative portrayal in things like The Godfather and The Sopranos, I can see why they want vengeance. You thought you were getting Star Wars; Episode III for cheap, NO!
You were making it possible for Don Lenonie to put a horse’s head in Steven Spielberg’s bed.
You dick! What did Steven Spielberg ever do to you? He just wanted to entertain.

But just when you thought it couldn't get worse: "piracy aids terrorism"
My God...
It goes all the way to the top.
Soon the U.S. department of homeland security will be rounding up the makers of Napster, and downloading an mp3 will get you a stint in Guantanamo Bay.
And you thought you were just getting the second season of Lost, well that will show you sonny, don't be so naive next time.
So there!

What Am I listening to right now: Spinal Tap; Christmas with the Devil (which I totaly obtained legaly 0=) honest... )

Hours untill Santa arrives ( as according to ) : 13

At last we see the U.S. tax payer's money being used for somthing useful.