Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas! Now put that light out! Theres a war on!

Wow it has been a while since I posted a rant on here hasn't it.
Oh well I guess I'll have to make up for the inactivity with this one.

As we all know its Christmas. YAY! And as it is Christmas eve today I've been doing not particularly much, you see have a reason today as opposed to every other day when I don't do anything because I'm just a lazy git, so I've just been enjoying my first present of the season an absolutely brilliant DVD, gifted to my by Imogen my darling girlfriend, of Bill Baley performing live somewhere in England a couple of years ago. It is an absolutely great set he talks about all the good stuff: religion, terrorism, drugs and how if you melt together four of those new big kit-kats you can pretend it is a giant old style kit-kat and that you are a tiny pixy. And I suppose that is what has inspired me to write this rant.

Well that and the anti-piracy add at the end of the DVD.

Because as we all know video and music piracy is BAD.
But the true extent of its evil never truly hit me until I saw how they presented it.
they started off slow; "piracy costs jobs" yeah I can see how that works people not paying for stuff can make it hard to pay wages, but apparently this "will destroy the music and publishing industry", this is where I started to take notice; 'that’s a bit negative I thought' but it didn't stop there it got worse: "piracy finances organised crime, which will destroy the film and television industry" yes I can picture it now an elite cabal of crime king pin's sitting around a dimly lit round table plotting the complete destruction of all film and television industries, no doubt as revenge for their negative portrayal in things like The Godfather and The Sopranos, I can see why they want vengeance. You thought you were getting Star Wars; Episode III for cheap, NO!
You were making it possible for Don Lenonie to put a horse’s head in Steven Spielberg’s bed.
You dick! What did Steven Spielberg ever do to you? He just wanted to entertain.

But just when you thought it couldn't get worse: "piracy aids terrorism"
My God...
It goes all the way to the top.
Soon the U.S. department of homeland security will be rounding up the makers of Napster, and downloading an mp3 will get you a stint in Guantanamo Bay.
And you thought you were just getting the second season of Lost, well that will show you sonny, don't be so naive next time.
So there!

What Am I listening to right now: Spinal Tap; Christmas with the Devil (which I totaly obtained legaly 0=) honest... )

Hours untill Santa arrives ( as according to ) : 13

At last we see the U.S. tax payer's money being used for somthing useful.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A day that will live in infamy

I have an anouncement to make. Which I has being a long time coming, but I supose it was going to happen eventuly... I know this is just my opinion but it has to be said...

As of this evening.
The Simpsons has jumped the shark.

for those unfamiliar with the term.
jump the shark:(verb/ adjctive), for a television series/ movie franchise/ and form of popular culture reaches that one difinitive point where you know that you know that it is all down hill from there.
Based on a scene from happy days when Fonzy jumped over a shark on water skis.
These people can explain it better.
Best example: Scooby Doo

But back to my point tonight I saw them trying to cram too many jokes into one episode ending without resolving the plot like they do so very well.
Frankly it is saddening but not suprising, there must be some kind of universal law that states every series has a mathmaticaly definable half life

In fact I have being working on a formula in the time it took me to write this

time left = (number of main characters* (sum of series character's introduction) / ( main actors^B(or lower) grade actors sed )
number of movies made^ (musical numbers performed by the chracters +'celebraty' cameos)

yes it has some flaws but damnit Jim, I'm a blagger not a mathmatician.

What am I listening to: Guns 'n Roses; Sympathy for the Devil.
Boredom rating: 6/10
Employment status: unimployed = (

Monday, October 30, 2006

The new place all my time is about to go to...

Just when I though there was going to be an oppertunity do some study, the internet has gone and done it again. Providing me with a new distraction; somthing which I had not even dared to hope existed.
A clone of Guitar heros a game that almost had me buying a playstation

For PC!!!

With the obvious side PC benifit of being able to make/download any song I want!

Jack is a Happy boy = D

Thus far I have only downloaded versions of Starway to Heaven (Zepplin) and Through Fire and Flames (Dragon Force) both of which are vastly too hard for me, but meh they are totaly awsome songs.
And at +/- 8mb a file +plus music it will take a while to get a good libray together.

The way the game works it you pickup you keyboard hold it upsidedown and push the f1-f5 keys as frets and press enter to pick. basicly turning your keyboard into a keytuar.
Meaning you get to look like a total spaz in the privacy of your own home.
But it is totaly awsome to play.
So there.

What else has happened to me recently?

Well I was shocked, dismayed and greatly amused by human stupidaty last week.

It was on a TV program called bullshit (I think) their aim being to debunk as much bullshit as humanly possable, that week they were being very scathing towards so called 'alternative treatments' cyropracters and reflexologistes and the like. But the best part was when they got a very offical looking person with a lab coat and everything to set up a stall in a mall and adminster 'alternative treatments' to anywho wanted them (totaly halmless of cource, but total bullshit) then after the member of the public has shown how gullable they are to the world they 'scientist' told them that they had been on a hidden camera show.
But the segment that made me worry about the state of the world was a 'treatment' known as the mucus face mask, a moisturising and revitalising facal using the freshest snail musus, straight from the snail infact.
So what they got was about a dozzon people sitting in the chair (of science) with snails on their face saying how great it felt and how much tighter their pores felt.

Only in America folks.
Their stupidity makes me sad = ( .

Soberometer 10/10
What am I listening to now?: Vally of the damned; By Dragon Force

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The end of the world as we know it, and I feal fine

Today was the first day of study break, yay!
So of course rather than doing anything stupid like actually studying, me and my little brother went to the Armageddon expo instead, and good times were had. And I meet some really cool people.

The first was the writer of one of my favourite web comics, who turns out to be a New Zealander ( An awesome comic simply because one of it's main characters is called Super Demolition Christ! And I think I may have made his day, because apparently I was the first (read only) person of the day to know his work. So I got a signed comic out of. Which I ended up promising wouldn't be on E-Bay for a whole week. I got it for $3 so I’m hoping for at least a 200% profit minus shipping and handling.

The other person I was stoked to have met was, if you remember the New Zealand idol ad with the guy wearing big bat wings who auditioned singing death metal. YES! I met the Heavy metal Harry Potter!

The moral of the story!
To have fun at conventions you don't have to line up for hours and pay outrageous quantities of money for autographs from semi washed up 'celebrities' (If the guy who pushes the buttons on Stargate can be counted as a celebrity).
What I'm listening to now: Pink Floyd, Dogs

Soberometer: 9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10
(After being asked about the soberometer I have decided to explain it, the higher the number the more sober I am. (The exception being the first post where I had yet to calibrate it properly thus it has been retroactively changed)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pwned by teh n00b, and n00bed by the pope

The source of to day's rant is a topic that I'm sure is close to everyone's heart.


specificity when you are on the receiving end of this phenomenon.

For those of you who have no idea why I am posting collections of letters that aren't even real words.

Pwnage, pronounced own-age (the p is silent and the o is invisible), can rightly be equated with concepts of being beaten, bested and generally surpassed in contests of skill, there is also an element of personal honor involved in this. For example one would say; that guy had the l33t skillz and pwned me. Translation: he was more skilled than me and bested my attempts, bruising my honor (if you have to ask what l33tness is you'll never know).

The reason I'm writing this is I've been playing on of those free browser games where you build up stuff by clicking on links and the like. This one is based around building up villages in a medieval theme, rather enjoyable.

Now the point of this is that you are plonked in the middle of a massively multiplayer environment, meaning your surrounded by dozens of people who have being playing for months longer than you, have a 500 times the size of yours and a Viking complex.

What has resulted is wanton pillaging of my lands and crops (fair enough to them I'd probably do the same if I could), but its when I get the same person attacking me 15-20 times in the 2 days I don't log in, which again is fair enough. But its the fact that his screen name is n00b, that really adds insult to defeat.
Bah I'm probably just whining about my own n00bness.

Kickass website:
which allows you to do such sacrilicious things as:

I know I'm probably being mean, but the pope scares me.

Even though the poor guy has a tough act to follow, yes I know John Paul was a far right reactionary, who's favourite pastime seemed to be putting up a wall full of posit notes, each with a item of popular culture and current events on it, then throwing a dart at it blind folded, in order to decide what to label as Satan’s latest attempt to destroy the world. But we could always forgive him for it.
He represented a more innocent time, when we all had nothing to fear from the Catholics. Or in fact from any religion, it may well be that it is hard to trust the public face of one religion when allot of them are going through a spell of particularly bad press.

It’s probably all the fault of the damn media.

That, and we all secretly want is the pope to be, Battle Pope!

Wow a particularly long rant this time.

Bordness'ometer 5/10

What am I listening to now: Iron Maiden: The Sign of the Cross. (Ironic, no?)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It begins! again!

Ah so I do have a blog.

I set this thing up last year in a fit of boredom and forgot about it just as quickly. So now I've found it will I not touch it for another 9-10 months? Probably... But meh! That is in the hands of the gods.

So let’s see, what has happened since I started this thing? TO SUMMERISE:

  1. Well the biggest thing I'm not in England any more. I'm back home with the family type goodness, YAY! That’s a fun story you all can have later
  2. I'm no longer employed, no it is beyond even my scamming powers to keep a job while no longer in the same hemisphere/time zone/continent, shame I am starting to really need an income but that’s a whole different rant...
  3. I am now a damn dirty tax dodger... I mean student... yeah... that’s what I mean... more about that at some other time.
  4. My geek score has sky rocketed! (A MALL WITHOUT ZOMBIES IS LIKE A PLANE WITHOUT SNAKES!)

    That’s all I can think of for the time being I'll rant and rave about those things at some later date.

But at least I'm not referring to my self in the third person any more...

Soberommeter 10/10

Boredometer 7/10

What Song am I listening to right now: Lazy By Deep Purple

good night all you boys and girls in internet land

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Introduction extrodonaire

This web page is to be my outlet, It is for me to vent as much as I so desire, with out having to pay for a physiatrist. If no one reads this oh well who fucking cares, yet another blog on the internet big deal. Although most of the stuff won't make much or any sense, it is the stuff that comes straight out of my head. Make of it as you will.
This is going to be an experiment that could ether be entertaining or traumatising for all involved, ether way it beats watching anything like big brother so keep the good times rocking and rolling!


And Jack did find on google a link to a free blog creation site.
And seeing as he had naught to do at that moment in time he did follow that link.
And after much debation on the name for such a thing as a blog he did come up with the idea of his random ranting.
And Jack did say "let there be a space for my crap on the internet"
And there was a web page
And lo there was much referring to one's self in the third person.

Current boredomometer

Current soberometer